Managing multiple user image repos

Managing user image repos

Since we have many multiples of user images in their own repos, managing these can become burdensome… Particularly if you need to make changes to many or all of the images.

There is a script located in the datahub/scripts/user-image-management/ directory named

This script uses a config file with a list of all of the git remotes for the image repos (config.txt) and will allow you to perform basic git operations (sync/rebase, clone, branch management and pushing).

The script “assumes” that you have all of your user images in their own folder (in my case, $HOME/src/images/...).

Output of --help for the tool

Here are the help results from the various sub-commands:

./ --help
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-d DESTINATION] {sync,clone,branch,push} ...

positional arguments:
    sync                Sync all image repositories to the latest version.
    clone               Clone all image repositories.
    branch              Create a new feature branch in all image repositories.
    push                Push all image repositories to a remote.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Path to file containing list of repositories to clone.
                        Location of the image repositories.

sync help:

./ sync --help
usage: sync [-h] [-p] [-o ORIGIN]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --push            Push synced repo to a remote.
  -o ORIGIN, --origin ORIGIN
                        Origin to push to. This is optional and defaults to 'origin'.

clone help:

./ clone --help
usage: clone [-h] [-s] [-g GITHUB_USER]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --set-origin      Set the origin of the cloned repository to the user's GitHub.
  -g GITHUB_USER, --github-user GITHUB_USER
                        GitHub user to set the origin to.

branch help:

./ branch --help
usage: branch [-h] [-b BRANCH]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
                        Name of the new feature branch to create.

push help:

./ push --help
usage: push [-h] [-o ORIGIN] [-b BRANCH]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o ORIGIN, --origin ORIGIN
                        Origin to push to. This is optional and defaults to 'origin'.
  -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
                        Name of the branch to push.

Usage examples

clone all of the image repos:

./ --destination ~/src/images/ --config repos.txt clone

clone all repos, and set upstream and origin:

./ --destination ~/src/images/ --config repos.txt clone --set-origin --github-user shaneknapp

how to sync all image repos from upstream and push to your origin:

./ --destination ~/src/images/ --config repos.txt sync --push

create a feature branch in all of the image repos:

./ -c repos.txt -d ~/src/images branch -b test-branch

after you’ve added/committed files, push everything to a remote:

./ -c repos.txt -d ~/src/images push -b test-branch