.. _topic/credentials: ================= Cloud Credentials ================= Google Cloud ============ Service Accounts ---------------- Service accounts are identified by a *service key*, and help us grant specific access to an automated process. Our CI process needs two service accounts to operate: #. A ``gcr-readwrite`` key. This is used to build and push the user images. Based on the `docs `_, this is assigned the role ``roles/storage.admin``. #. A ``gke`` key. This is used to interact with the Google Kubernetes cluster. Roles `roles/container.clusterViewer` and `roles/container.developer` are granted to it. These are currently copied into the ``secrets/`` dir of every deployment, and explicitly referenced from ``hubploy.yaml`` in each deployment. They should be rotated every few months. You can `create service accounts `_ through the web console or the commandline. Remember to not leave around copies of the private key elsewhere on your local computer!