.. _howto/admin: ================= Add an admin user ================= What can admin users do? ======================== JupyterHub has `admin users `_ who have the following capabilities: #. Access & modify **all** other users' home directories (where all their work is kept) #. Mark other users as admin users #. Start / Stop other users' servers These are all powerful & disruptive capabilities, so be careful who gets admin access! Adding / removing an admin user =============================== #. Pick the :ref:`hub ` you want to make a user an admin of. #. Find the :ref:`config directory ` for the hub, and open ``common.yaml`` in there. #. Add / remove the admin user name from the list ``jupyterhub.auth.admin.users``. Make sure there is an explanatory comment nearby that lists *why* this user is an admin. This helps us remove admins when they no longer need admin access. #. Follow the steps to make a deployment