.. _howto/calendar-scheduler: ============================= Calendar Node Pool Autoscaler ============================= Why scale node pools with Google Calendar? ========================================== The scheduler isn't perfect for us, especially when large classes have assignments due and a hub is flooded with students. This "hack" was introduced to improve cluster scaling prior to known events. These 'placeholder' nodes are used to minimize the delay that occurs when GCP creates new node pools during mass user logins. This common, especially for larger classes. Structure ========= There is a Google Calendar calendar, `DataHub Scaling Events `_ shared with all infrastructure staff. The event descriptions should contain a YAML fragment, and are of the form `pool_name: count`, where the name is the corresponding hub name (data100, stat20) and the count is the number of extra nodes you want. There can be several pools defined, one per line. By default, we usually have one spare node ready to go, so if the count in the calendar event is set to 0 or 1, there will be no change to the cluster. If the value is set to >=2, additional hot spares will be created. If a value is set more than once, the entry with the greater value will be used. You can determine how many placeholder nodes to have up based on how many people you expect to log in at once. Some of the bigger courses may require 2 or more placeholder nodes, but during 'regular' hours, 1 is usually sufficient. The scaling mechanism is implemented as the `node-placeholder-node-placeholder-scaler` deployment within the `node-placeholder` namespace. The source code is within https://github.com/berkeley-dsep-infra/datahub/tree/staging/images/node-placeholder-scaler. Calendar Autoscaler =================== The code for the calendar autoscaler is a python 3.11 script, located here: https://github.com/berkeley-dsep-infra/datahub/tree/staging/images/node-placeholder-scaler/scaler How the scaler works ******************** There is a k8s pod running in the `node-placeholder` namespace, which simply `runs python3 -m scaler `_. This script runs in an infinite loop, and every 60 seconds checks the scaler config and calendar for entries. It then uses the highest value provided as the number of placeholder replicas for any given hub. This means that if there's a daily evening event to 'cool down' the number of replicas for all hubs to 0, and a simultaneous event to set one or more hubs to a higher number, the scaler will see this and keep however many node placeholders specified up and ready to go. After determining the number of replicas needed for each hub, the scaler will create a k8s template and run `kubectl` in the pod. Updating the scaler config ************************** The `scaler config `_ sets the default number of node-placeholders that are running at any given time. These values can be overridden by creating events in the `DataHub Scaling Events `_ calendar. When classes are in session, these defaults are all typically set to `1`, and during breaks (or when a hub is not expected to be in use) they can be set to `0`. After making changes to `values.yaml`, create a PR normally and our CI will push the new config out to the node-placeholder pod. There is no need to manually restart the node-placeholder pod as the changes will be picked up `automatically `_. Working on, testing and deploying the calendar scaler ***************************************************** All file locations in this section will assume that you are in the `datahub/images/node-placeholder-scaler/` directory. It is strongly recommended that you create a new python 3.11 environment before doing any dev work on the scaler. With `conda`, you can run the following commands to create one: .. code:: bash conda create -ny scalertest python=3.11 pip install -r requirements.txt Any changes to the scaler code will require you to run `chartpress` to redeploy the scaler to GCP. Here is an example of how you can test any changes to `scaler/calendar.py` locally in the python interpreter: .. code:: python # these tests will use somes dates culled from the calendar with varying numbers of events. import scaler.calendar import datetime import zoneinfo tz = zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='America/Los_Angeles') zero_events_noon_june = datetime.datetime(2023, 6, 14, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=tz) one_event_five_pm_april = datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 27, 17, 0, 0, tzinfo=tz) three_events_eight_thirty_pm_march = datetime.datetime(2023, 3, 6, 20, 30, 0, tzinfo=tz) calendar = scaler.calendar.get_calendar('https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/c_s47m3m1nuj3s81187k3b2b5s5o%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics') zero_events = scaler.calendar.get_events(calendar, time=zero_events_noon_june) one_event = scaler.calendar.get_events(calendar, time=one_event_five_pm_april) three_events = scaler.calendar.get_events(calendar, time=three_events_eight_thirty_pm_march) assert len(zero_events) == 0 assert len(one_event) == 1 assert len(three_events) == 3 `get_events` returns a list of ical `ical.event.Event` class objects. The method for testing `scaler/scaler.py` is similar to above, but the only things you'll be able test locally are the `make_deployment()` and `get_replica_counts()` functions. When you're ready, create a PR. The deployment workflow is as follows: #. Get all authed-up for `chartpress` by performing the steps listed `here `_. #. Run `chartpress --push` from the root `datahub/` directory. If this succeeds, check your `git status` and add `datahub/node-placeholder/Chart.yaml` and `datahub/node-placeholder/values.yml` to your PR. #. Merge to `staging` and then `prod`. Changing python imports *********************** The python requirements file is generated using `requirements.in` and `pip-compile`. If you need to change/add/update any packages, you'll need to do the following: #. Ensure you have the correct python environment activated (see above). #. Pip install `pip-tools` #. Edit `requirements.in` and save your changes. #. Execute `pip-compile requirements.in`, which will update the `requirements.txt`. #. Check your git status and diffs, and create a pull request if necessary. #. Get all authed-up for `chartpress` by performing the steps listed `here `_. #. Run `chartpress --push` from the root `datahub/` directory. If this succeeds, check your `git status` and add `datahub/node-placeholder/Chart.yaml` and `datahub/node-placeholder/values.yml` to your PR. #. Merge to `staging` and then `prod`. Monitoring ========== You can monitor the scaling by watching for events: .. code:: bash kubectl -n node-placeholder get events -w And by tailing the logs of the pod with the scalar process: .. code:: bash kubectl -n node-placeholder logs -l app.kubernetes.io/name=node-placeholder-scaler -f For example if you set `epsilon: 2`, you might see in the pod logs: .. code:: bash 2022-10-17 21:36:45,440 Found event Stat20/Epsilon test 2 2022-10-17 14:21 PDT to 15:00 PDT 2022-10-17 21:36:45,441 Overrides: {'epsilon': 2} 2022-10-17 21:36:46,475 Setting epsilon to have 2 replicas