.. _howto/preview-local: ====================================== Preview documentation changes locally ====================================== Strategy 1: convert to html (method 1) ====================================== #. Create a virtual environment (Recommendation is to create conda environment) #. Navigate to `datahub/` directory and run .. code:: bash pip install -r docs/requirements.txt #. Navigate to `docs/` directory. Run the following command, .. code:: bash make html #. Navigate to `docs/_build/html` directory and open index.html file in the browser. #. Have fun making changes to the documentation based on the HTML preview. Strategy 2: convert to html (method 2) ====================================== .. code:: bash $ conda install sphinx $ rst2html.py .rst > .html Strategy 3: free online previewer ====================================== Use a free, online, in-line converter such as: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/online_restructure_editor.php Strategy 4: Visual Studio code extension ======================================== The VSCode extension `RSTPreview `_ provides a live preview of your reStructuredText file as you edit it within VSCode. You may have to check the extension’s settings to set a non-conflicting keystroke sequence for opening the preview pane.