JupyterHubs in this repository#


datahub.berkeley.edu is the ‘main’ JupyterHub for use on UC Berkeley campus. It’s the largest and most active hub. It has many Python & R packages installed.

It runs on Google Cloud Platform in the ucb-datahub-2018 project. You can see all config for it under deployments/datahub.


This hub is also the ‘default’ when folks wanna use a hub for a short period of time for any reason without super specific requirements.

Prob140 Hub#

A hub specifically for prob140. Some of the admin users on DataHub are students in prob140 - this would allow them to see the work of other prob140 students. Hence, this hub is separate until JupyterHub gains features around restricting admin use.

It runs on Google Cloud Platform in the ucb-datahub-2018 project. You can see all config for it under deployments/prob140.

Data 100#

This hub is for Data 100 which has a unique user and grading environment. It runs on Google Cloud Platform in the ucb-datahub-2018 account. You can see all config for it under deployments/data100.

Data100 also has shared folders between staff (professors and GSIs) and students. Staff, assuming they have been added as admins in config/common.yaml, can see a shared and a shared-readwrite folder. Students can only see the shared folder, which is read-only. Anything that gets put in shared-readwrite is automatically viewable in shared, but as read-only files. The purpose of this is to be able to share large data files instead of having one per student.

Data 102#

Data 102 runs on Google Cloud Platform in the ucb-datahub-2018 project. You can see all config for it under deployments/data102.

Data8X Hub#

A hub for the data8x course on EdX. This hub is open to use by anyone in the world, using LTI Authentication to provide login capability from inside EdX.

It runs on Google Cloud Platform in the data8x-scratch project. You can see all config for it under deployments/data8x.