Architecture and contributing
Admin Tasks
Architecture and Contribution Overview
JupyterHub Deployments
Architecture and Contribution Overview
Repository Structure
Continuous Integration and Deployment
Kubernetes Cluster Configuration
Cloud Credentials
User home directory storage
Common Administrator Tasks
Update DNS
Core Node Pool Management
Create a New Hub
Customize the Hub Docker Image
User Images
Create a New Single User Image
Update the Image
Testing and Upgrading New Packages
Test User Images Locally
Managing multiple user image repos
Transition Single User Image to GitHub Actions
Customize the Per-User Postgres Docker Image
Course Configuration
Calendar Node Pool Autoscaler
Prometheus and Grafana
JupyterHub ORM Maintenance
Delete or spin down a Hub
Switching over a hub to a new cluster
Create Finely Grained Access Token
Reading Google Sheets from DataHub
Operations Cheatsheet
DataHub Semester Start and End Tasks
Process to publish policy proposals
Policy considerations for creating a new hub
Policy considerations for deploying to the main Datahub
Principles to be considered while creating new policies
Incident Reports
Architecture and Contribution Overview
Smoothly working with the JupyterHubs maintained in this repository has a number of pre-requisite skills you must possess. The rest of the documentation assumes you have at…
Repository Structure
Each hub has a directory under
where all configuration for that particular hub is stored in a standard format. For example, all the configuration for the…
Continuous Integration and Deployment
DataHub’s continuous integration and deployment system uses both Github Actions and workflows.
Kubernetes Cluster Configuration
We use kubernetes to run our JupyterHubs. It has a healthy open source community, managed offerings from multiple vendors & a fast pace of development. We can run easily on…
Cloud Credentials
Service accounts are identified by a
service key
, and help us grant specific access to an automated process. Our CI process needs two service accounts to operate:
User home directory storage
All users on all the hubs get a home directory with persistent storage.
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