Repository Structure

Hub Configuration

Each hub has a directory under deployments/ where all configuration for that particular hub is stored in a standard format. For example, all the configuration for the primary hub used on campus (datahub) is stored under deployments/datahub/.

Hub Config (config/ and secrets/)

All our JupyterHubs are based on Zero to JupyterHub (z2jh). z2jh uses configuration files in YAML format to specify exactly how the hub is configured. For example, it controls:

  1. RAM available per user
  2. Admin user lists
  3. User storage information
  4. Per-class & Per-user RAM overrides (when classes or individuals need more RAM)
  5. Authentication secret keys

These files are split between files that are visible to everyone (config/) and files that are visible only to a select few illuminati (secrets/). To get access to the secret files, please consult the illuminati.

Files are further split into:

  1. common.yaml - Configuration common to staging and production instances of this hub. Most config should be here.
  2. staging.yaml - Configuration specific to the staging instance of the hub.
  3. prod.yaml - Configuration specific to the production instance of the hub.


We use hubploy to deploy our hubs in a repeatable fashion. hubploy.yaml contains information required for hubploy to work - such as cluster name, region, provider, etc.

Various secret keys used to authenticate to cloud providers are kept under secrets/ and referred to from hubploy.yaml.


Documentation is under the docs/ folder, and is generated with Quarto, where content is written in markdown. Documentation is published to via a GitHub Action workflow.

User Images

Each user image is managed in separate repositories in the berkeley-dsep-infra organization.

These repositories determine the environment provided to the user. For example, it controls:

  1. Versions of Python / R / Julia available
  2. Libraries installed, and which versions of those are installed
  3. Specific config for Jupyter Notebook or IPython

repo2docker is used to build the actual user image, so you can use any of the supported config files to customize the image as you wish.