Customize the Hub Docker Image

We use a customized JupyterHub docker image so we can install extra packages such as authenticators. The image is located in images/hub. It must inherit from the JupyterHub image used in the Zero to JupyterHub.

The image is build with chartpress, which also updates hub/values.yaml with the new image version. chartpress may be installed locally with pip install chartpress.

  1. Run gcloud auth configure-docker once per machine to setup docker for authentication with the gcloud credential helper.
  2. Modify the image in images/hub and make a git commit.
  3. On a PC run chartpress --push. On a Mac run, chartpress --push --builder docker-buildx --platform linux/amd64. This will build and push the hub image, and modify hub/values.yaml appropriately.
  4. Make a commit with the hub/values.yaml file, so the new hub image name and tag are committed.
  5. Proceed to deployment as normal.

Some of the following commands may be required to configure your environment to run the above chartpress workflow successfully: