Create a New Hub

Why create a new hub?

The major reasons for making a new hub are:

  1. A new course wants to join the Berkeley DataHub community.
  2. One of your students are course staff in another course and have elevated access, enabling them to see other students’ work.
  3. You want to use a different kind of authenticator.
  4. You are running in a different cloud, or using a different billing account.
  5. Your environment is different enough and specialized enough that a different hub is a good idea. By default, everyone uses the same image as
  6. You want a different URL ( vs just

Please let us know if you have some other justification for creating a new hub.


Working installs of the following utilities:

The easiest way to install chartpress, cookiecutter and hubploy is to run pip install -r dev-requirements.txt from the root of the datahub repo.

Proper access to the following systems:

Configuring a New Hub

Name the hub

Choose the hub name, e.g. data8, stat20, biology, julia, which is typically the name of the course or department. This is permanent.

Determine deployment needs

Before creating a new hub, have a discussion with the instructor about the system requirements, frequency of assignments and how much storage will be required for the course. Typically, there are three general “types” of hub: Heavy usage, general and small courses.

Small courses will usually have one or two assignments per semester, and may only have 20 or fewer users.

General courses have up to ~500 users, but don’t have large amount of data or require upgraded compute resources.

Heavy usage courses can potentially have thousands of users, require upgraded node specs and/or have Terabytes of data each semester.

Both general and heavy usage courses typically have weekly assignments.

Small courses (and some general usage courses) can use either or both of a shared node pool and filestore to save money (Basic HDD filestore instances start at 1T).

This is also a good time to determine if there are any specific software packages/libraries that need to be installed, as well as what language(s) the course will be using. This will determine which image to use, and if we will need to add additional packages to the image build.

If you’re going to use an existing node pool and/or filestore instance, you can skip either or both of the following steps and pick back up at the cookiecutter.

When creating a new hub, we also make sure to label the filestore and GKE/node pool resources with both hub and <nodepool|filestore>-deployment. 99.999% of the time, the values for all three of these labels will be <hubname>.

Creating a new node pool

Create the node pool:

gcloud container node-pools create "user-<hubname>-<YYYY-MM-DD>" \
  --labels=hub=<hubname>,nodepool-deployment=<hubname> \
  --node-labels<hubname>-pool \
  --machine-type "n2-highmem-8" \
  --enable-autoscaling --min-nodes "0" --max-nodes "20" \
  --project "ucb-datahub-2018" --cluster "spring-2024" \
  --region "us-central1" --node-locations "us-central1-b" \
  --node-taints hub.jupyter.org_dedicated=user:NoSchedule --tags hub-cluster \
  --image-type "COS_CONTAINERD" --disk-type "pd-balanced" --disk-size "200"  \
  --metadata disable-legacy-endpoints=true \
  --scopes "","","","","","" \
  --no-enable-autoupgrade --enable-autorepair \
  --max-surge-upgrade 1 --max-unavailable-upgrade 0 --max-pods-per-node "110"

Creating a new filestore instance

Before you create a new filestore instance, be sure you know the capacity required. The smallest amount you can allocate is 1T, but larger hubs may require more. Confer with the admins and people instructing the course and determine how much they think they will need.

We can easily scale capacity up, but not down.

From the command line, first fill in the instance name (<hubname>-<YYYY-MM-DD>) and <capacity>, and then execute the following command:

gcloud filestore instances create <hubname>-<YYYY-MM-DD> \
  --zone "us-central1-b" --tier="BASIC_HDD" \
  --file-share=capacity=1TiB,name=shares \

Or, from the web console, click on the horizontal bar icon at the top left corner.

  1. Access “Filestore” > “Instances” and click on “Create Instance”.
  2. Name the instance <hubname>-<YYYY-MM-DD>
  3. Instance Type is Basic, Storage Type is HDD.
  4. Allocate capacity.
  5. Set the region to us-central1 and Zone to us-central1-b.
  6. Set the VPC network to default.
  7. Set the File share name to shares.
  8. Click “Create” and wait for it to be deployed.
  9. Once it’s deployed, select the instance and copy the “NFS mount point”.

Your new (but empty) NFS filestore must be seeded with a pair of directories. We run a utility VM for NFS filestore management; follow the steps below to connect to this utility VM, mount your new filestore, and create & configure the required directories.

You can run the following command in gcloud terminal to log in to the NFS utility VM:

gcloud compute ssh nfsserver-01 --zone=us-central1-b --tunnel-through-iap

Alternatively, launch > Select ucb-datahub-2018 as the project name.

  1. Click on the three horizontal bar icon at the top left corner.
  2. Access “Compute Engine” > “VM instances” > and search for “nfs-server-01”.
  3. Select “Open in browser window” option to access NFS server via GUI.

Back in the NFS utility VM shell, mount the new share:

mkdir /export/<hubname>-filestore
mount <filestore share IP>:/shares /export/<hubname>-filestore

Create staging and prod directories owned by 1000:1000 under /export/<hubname>-filestore/<hubname>. The path might differ if your hub has special home directory storage needs. Consult admins if that’s the case. Here is the command to create the directory with appropriate permissions:

install -d -o 1000 -g 1000 \
  /export/<hubname>-filestore/<hubname>/staging \

Check whether the directories have permissions similar to the below directories:

drwxr-xr-x 4 ubuntu ubuntu     45 Nov  3 20:33 a11y-filestore
drwxr-xr-x 4 ubuntu ubuntu     33 Jan  4  2022 astro-filestore
drwxr-xr-x 4 ubuntu ubuntu  16384 Aug 16 18:45 biology-filestore

Create the hub deployment locally

In the datahub/deployments directory, run cookiecutter. This sets up the hub’s configuration directory:

cookiecutter template/
The cookiecutter template will prompt you to provide the following information:
  • <hub_name>: Enter the chosen name of the hub.
  • <project_name>: Default is ucb-datahub-2018, do not change.
  • <cluster_name>: Default is spring-2024, do not change.
  • <pool_name>: Name of the node pool (shared or individual) to deploy on.
  • hub_filestore_share: Default is shares, do not change.
  • hub_filestore_ip: Enter the IP address of the filestore instance. This is available from the web console.
  • hub_filestore_capacity: Enter the allocated storage capacity. This is available from the web console.

This will generate a directory with the name of the hub you provided with a skeleton configuration and all the necessary secrets.

Configure filestore security settings and GCP billing labels

If you have created a new filestore instance, you will now need to apply the ROOT_SQUASH settings. Please ensure that you’ve already created the hub’s root directory and both staging and prod directories, otherwise you will lose write access to the share. We also attach labels to a new filestore instance for tracking individual and full hub costs.

Skip this step if you are using an existing/shared filestore.

gcloud filestore instances update <filestore-instance-name> --zone=us-central1-b  \
       --update-labels=hub=<hubname>,filestore-deployment=<hubname> \


Set up authentication via bcourses. We have two canvas OAuth2 clients setup in bcourses for us - one for all production hubs and one for all staging hubs. The configuration and secrets for these are provided by the cookiecutter template, however the new hubs need to be added to the authorized callback list maintained in bcourses.

  1. Use sops to edit secrets/staging.yaml and secrets/prod.yaml, replacing the cookiecutter hub_name. cookiecutter can’t do this for you since the values are encrypted.

  2. Add <hub_name> to the staging hub client (id 10720000000000594)

  3. Add <hub_name> to the production hub client (id 10720000000000472)

  4. Copy gke-key.json from any other hub’s secrets to the hub’s secrets/

Please create a new Jira ticket to set this up, and assign to Jonathan Felder. Contact the DataHub Service Lead or if Jonathan is not available.

CI/CD and single-user server image

CI/CD is managed through Github Actions, and the relevant workflows are located in .github/workflows/. Deploying all hubs are managed via Pull Request Labels, which are applied automatically on PR creation.

To ensure the new hub is deployed, all that needs to be done is add a new entry (alphabetically) in .github/labeler.yml under the # add hub-specific labels for deployment changes stanza:

"hub: <hubname>":
  - "deployments/<hubname>/**"

Hubs using a custom single-user server image

If this hub will be using its own image, then follow the instructions here to create the new image and repository. In this case, the image tag will be PLACEHOLDER and will be updated AFTER your PR to datahub is merged.

NOTE: The changes to the datahub repo are required to be merged BEFORE the new image configuration is pushed to main in the image repo. This is due to the image building/pushing workflow requiring this deployment’s hubploy.yaml to be present in the deployments/<hubname>/ subdirectory, as it updates the image tag.

Hubs inheriting an existing single-user server image

If this hub will inherit an existing image, you can just copy hubploy.yaml from an existing deployment which will contain the latest image hash.

Review the deployment’s hubploy.yaml

Next, review hubploy.yaml inside your project directory to confirm that looks cromulent. An example from the a11y hub:

    - name:<image tag OR "PLACEHOLDER">

Create placeholder node pool

Node pools have a configured minimum size, but our cluster has the ability to set aside additional placeholder nodes. These are nodes that get spun up in anticipation of the pool needing to suddenly grow in size, for example when large classes begin.

If you are deploying to a shared node pool, there is no need to perform this step.

Otherwise, you’ll need to add the placeholder settings in node-placeholder/values.yaml.

The node placeholder pod should have enough RAM allocated to it that it needs to be kicked out to get even a single user pod on the node - but not so big that it can’t run on a node where other system pods are running! To do this, we’ll find out how much memory is allocatable to pods on that node, then subtract the sum of all non-user pod memory requests and an additional 256Mi of “wiggle room”. This final number will be used to allocate RAM for the node placeholder.

  1. Launch a server on

  2. Get the node name (it will look something like gke-spring-2024-user-datahub-2023-01-04-fc70ea5b-67zs): kubectl get nodes | grep *hubname* | awk '{print $1}'

  3. Get the total amount of memory allocatable to pods on this node and convert to bytes: bash kubectl get node <nodename> -o jsonpath='{.status.allocatable.memory}'

  4. Get the total memory used by non-user pods/containers on this node. We explicitly ignore notebook and pause. Convert to bytes and get the sum: bash kubectl get -A pod -l 'component!=user-placeholder' \ --field-selector spec.nodeName=<nodename> \ -o jsonpath='{range .items[*].spec.containers[*]}{.name}{"\t"}{.resources.requests.memory}{"\n"}{end}' \ | egrep -v 'pause|notebook'

  5. Subtract the second number from the first, and then subtract another 277872640 bytes (256Mi) for “wiggle room”.

  6. Add an entry for the new placeholder node config in values.yaml:

  nodeSelector: data102-pool
      # Some value slightly lower than allocatable RAM on the node pool
      memory: 60929654784
  replicas: 1

For reference, here’s example output from collecting and calculating the values for data102:

(gcpdev)   ~ kubectl get nodes | grep data102 | awk '{print$1}'
(gcpdev)   ~ kubectl get node gke-spring-2024-user-data102-2023-01-05-e02d4850-t478 -o jsonpath='{.status.allocatable.memory}' # convert to bytes
(gcpdev)   ~ kubectl get -A pod -l 'component!=user-placeholder' \
--field-selector spec.nodeName=gke-spring-2024-user-data102-2023-01-05-e02d4850-t478 \
-o jsonpath='{range .items[*].spec.containers[*]}{.name}{"\t"}{.resources.requests.memory}{"\n"}{end}' \
| egrep -v 'pause|notebook' # convert all values to bytes, sum them
fluentbit       100Mi
fluentbit-gke   100Mi
gke-metrics-agent       60Mi
ip-masq-agent   16Mi
(gcpdev)   ~ # subtract the sum of the second command's values from the first value, then subtract another 277872640 bytes for wiggle room
(gcpdev)   ~ # in this case:  (60055600Ki - (100Mi + 100Mi + 60Mi + 16Mi)) - 256Mi
(gcpdev)   ~ # (61496934400 - (104857600 + 104857600 + 16777216 + 62914560)) - 277872640 == 60929654784

Besides setting defaults, we can dynamically change the placeholder counts by either adding new, or editing existing, calendar events. This is useful for large courses which can have placeholder nodes set aside for predicatable periods of heavy ramp up.

Commit and deploy to staging

Commit the hub directory, and make a PR to the the staging branch in the GitHub repo.

Hubs using a custom single-user server image

If this hub is using a custom image, and you’re using PLACEHOLDER for the image tag in hubploy.yaml, be sure to remove the hub-specific Github label that is automatically attached to this pull request. It will look something like hub: <hubname>. If you don’t do this the deployment will fail as the image sha of PLACEHOLDER doesn’t exist.

After this PR is merged, perform the git push in your image repo. This will trigger the workflow that builds the image, pushes it to the Artifact Registry, and finally creates a commit that updates the image hash in hubploy.yaml and pushes to the datahub repo. Once this is merged in to staging, the deployment pipeline will run and your hub will finally be deployed.

Hubs inheriting an existing single-user server image

Your hub’s deployment will proceed automatically through the CI/CD pipeline.

It might take a few minutes for HTTPS to work, but after that you can log into it at https://<hub_name> Test it out and make sure things work as you think they should.

Commit and deploy to prod

Make a PR from the staging branch to the prod branch. When this PR is merged, it’ll deploy the production hub. It might take a few minutes for HTTPS to work, but after that you can log into it at https://<hub_name> Test it out and make sure things work as you think they should.